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  • PWEA 2024

    🌍 Join us at one of the most important conferences in this part of Europe - let's meet and talk about technology and how to change the face of wind energy - at a time when one of the largest investment processes in Poland's history, the construction of offshore wind farms in the Baltic Sea, has been launched!

  • Novi doctores

    The ceremonial meeting of the Senate of the Lodz University of Technology - TUL. In the Prof. Tadeusz Paryjczak auditorium, the promotion of doctors and post-doctoral fellows took place. Among them, our colleague Dr.-Ing. Piotr Wiklak. Our exceptionally talented CTO! His doctoral thesis at his Alma Mater (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Lodz University of Technology - TUL), in the course of Mechanical Engineering and Operations. It was entitled "Experimental Investigations of Wind Turbine Cooperation in Tandem Arrangement" and was supervised by Damian Obidowski, Ph.D., Professor at the Lodz University of Technology. Congratulations and we wish you every success!

  • First day of "Wind Europe Annual Event 2022 Bilbao" behind us

    Our predictions about the huge impact of the war in Ukraine on the wind energy industry came true! During the opening ceremony all decision makers from the Spanish government spheres, the European Commission, the biggest industry actors stressed the necessity to significantly increase the volume of wind turbine capacity, RES and hydrogen production in the nearest perspective. Also important were issues related to the crisis in raw materials, maintaining the integrity of supply chains, re-powering and digitalization, as well as operational permitting for wind turbines. Naturally, the environment and climate protection remain important issues. The importance and significance of these issues was underlined by the visit of His Majesty Philip IV Bourbon, King of Spain. The hosts presented high industrial and developmental culture, interesting solutions, excellent cooperation and truly southern enthusiasm in approach to the above mentioned challenges. WindTak maintains existing business relations (Polenergia, IWES Fraunhofer, Windhunter) and establishes new relations (Sereema, Power Curve, GP Renewables) - also with other partners from Spain, Turkey, Finland, Denmark, USA - representing issues related to wind energy production.


    On my return from last year's Copenhagen conference, I predicted the emergence of a kind of "New Green Marshall Plan" for the wind energy industry and, more broadly, for the entire energy market globally. However, environmental factors and climate change turned out to be only a gradual and predictable process compared to the geopolitical nudge associated with the conflict that erupted at the end of February 2022. Its energy, resources and technological dimensions will probably exceed with their scale and vehemence any possible prediction of energy transition processes towards its renewable face. To say the word 'Gamechanger' in this context is like saying very little... For it has once again become apparent that common sense and progressive calculation in favour of protecting ecosystems and the climate were relatively unconvincing arguments in relation to the shock of the war, of which primary resources and fossil fuels and their transmission were probably also one of the substrates. This, of course, represents an even greater development opportunity for the offshore and onshore wind sectors, which has been greatly strengthened by the European Commission as an independent and clean source of renewable energy. We are aware, however, that the conflict will not last forever. It is to be hoped, however, that Ursula von der Leyen's recent stance on increasing the target power volume to 520 GW of installed wind capacity on the EU's markets is not just a response to a temporary crisis, but will involve the mapping of a full, coherent development path for wind energy. This path is also WindTAK's roadmap. On the eve of the great celebration of all imaginative, talented visionaries of the industry, our company appears today in Bilbao, Spain. We are present at the Wind Europe Annual Event 2022, one of the world's largest and most important renewable energy events, which is sold out to the last seat. Tomorrow we will be at the centre of the wind energy world. Excellent news arrived literally a moment ago from national government centres. The long-awaited update of the Polish Energy Policy until 2040. (PEP2040) - will strengthen the energy security and independence of our country and consequently of this part of Europe. By 2040, Poland will aim to generate 50% of its electricity from RES! This means: This means: - Increasing technological diversification and expansion of capacities based on domestic sources - Poland will consistently strive to cover its electricity demand with technologically diversified domestic sources in order to maintain a high degree of energy independence. - Investments in the energy sector will be aimed at ensuring stability of operation of energy systems, taking into account the impact of the sector on the human environment. - Further development of renewable energy sources. - Boosting the development of RES in all sectors will respond to the challenges of independence and sovereignty. At the same time, it will take into account the improved quality of life resulting from a cleaner, better environment. Similar news has also come from France - 40 GW has been put on the table by 2050! All this will result in even faster and more effective chances of making the world independent from, as it turned out recently, "tragically and politically unstable hydrocarbons", which for years had been put forward as a model of energy stability and a factor of civilisational prosperity. It turned out that hydrocarbons can be a source of enormous problems, suffering and uncertainty in dimensions other than environmental and technological. Instability and capriciousness, which were used to describe the most energy-efficient forces of nature, namely the wind and the sun. Attempts were made to persuade engineers, inventors and environmentalists that these forms of energy are untameable, unpredictable and difficult to quantify. It all turned out to be a collection of myths and half-truths that scientific methodology and the young CleanTech sector were cracking down on. Emotion should never be an expert on technology. However, there is no denying that it is quite clear today where the future is. And what colours it looks like despite the dramatic present... and finally how it builds up in the long term on the basis of hard market laws and the growing pro-environmental requirements of the New Green Deal. Politicians are now talking about the 'Energy of Freedom'. We know what it should look like in the near future! The future is wind energy and storage. Complementary hydrogen technologies are the natural way forward. Plus efficient, safe and predictable installations - "nourished" by the new dynamics of IoT, 5G/6G, 3D printing, fostering safety and lower costs for manufacturers and consumers. All these technologies are being re-formulated by the Industry 4.0 revolution in ever more surprising unveilings. WindTAK feels at home in all these areas! ... or rather in the technological pantheon of the coming opportunities. So - the future is in the restoration. The future is Wind. I am not the only one who strongly believes that we will all live to see a Win-Wind situation!

  • Everything is ready!

    The refreshing breeze from the Bay of Biscay will tomorrow foster a discussion about advanced digitization of wind turbines - only with WindTAK of course! If you are there in #Bilbao, you are cordially invited to our stand at 1B-68. ("green startup sector" - #Startup Pavilion) At the stand we will present our #5GVG technology by #Windtak. You will be able to talk to us and see how our solutions can improve the efficiency of wind turbines. If you would like to ask us something, talk live, please visit our social media! #FB and #Linkedin (throughout the duration of the fair will be on duty chat!) ... and what's new at the conference? Take a look at the hot newsletter from a while ago!!! You are cordially welcome! :)

  • The big spring celebration of Wind is coming up for us!

    All issues related to the new conditions for the wind energy industry will be discussed together with entrepreneurs, scientists and sector experts at its " Grand Fiesta!". For already on 5-7 April, in #Bilbao, Spain - the #WindTAK team will be guests at the sold-out to the last place one of the world's biggest and most important #RES industry events i.e. #WindEurope Annual Event 2022. WindTAK will be there as the only representative of the Polish start-up sector! Be there together with us by following the ongoing coverage on our social media! 😀

  • Hear us pitch at the next #TaftieHighPotential session

    Hear us pitch at the next #TaftieHighPotential session on March 22nd! I’ll be presenting WindTAK and our solution 5GVG by WindTAK to increase profits by improvement of wind turbine annual energy production and decrease of operational downtime. We’ ll be looking to raise series A round of up 5mln euro. Investors register at Maria Cristina Chumacero Gilles Le Cocguen Fannie Delavelle Ron Sege Randall McGregor Jarosław Bańka Henryk Majchrzak Cambridge Cleantech ASI Valuetech Seed Fund Martin Jankoski Allan Smith NCBR Investment Fund ASI S.A. Polish Investment and Trade Agency #HPK Krajowy Punkt Kontaktowy #PARP #PFRStarter #PGEventures #NCBIR #Euroquity #KPK #venturecapital #VC #Bpifrance .

  • Safety for WindTAK from the best professionals in the industry.

    Training on safe work on wind turbines has started in full swing at #WindTAK. Our team set off to #Koszalin to learn the secrets of safety and advanced emergency procedures in specially prepared facilities of the #Windhunter Academy. The one-week training module at the #BasicSafetyTraining level consists of professional theoretical classes and an extensive practical part enriched with e.g. virtual reality training. The whole module ends with a #GlobalWindOrganisation ( #GWO ) certificate. The #certificate will provide our excellent technical and engineering crew with authorisations and the ability to safely move around a #turbine or an entire wind farm. It will also enable the safe installation of our products in the near future. They passed the wind, fire and height test brilliantly - space, capricious weather, high-altitude exercises and annoying cold are a 'walk in the park' for our best and most fearless specialists! - Bravo! :-)

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